Google PageRank Explained

Another good infographic from
Google assigns a numeric weighting from 0-10 for each webpage on the Internet; this PageRank denotes your site’s importance in the eyes of Google.
Google assigns a numeric weighting from 0-10 for each webpage on the Internet; this PageRank denotes your site’s importance in the eyes of Google.
Posted by
Randy Krum
6:33 AM
1 thoughts
Posted by
Randy Krum
7:31 AM
Labels: ad, campaign, earth, education, emissions, environment, pollution, video
The specific arrangements of the perforations reveal different poems according to the solar calendar: a theme of new-life during the summer solstice. During summer solstice, the poem will contain the theme of “new life”. During winter solstice, the poem will be on “reflection and the passing of time.”Found on
To put this into context, on 1 January 2006 tech stories made up 78% of the total popular stories (i.e. stories that made it onto the digg frontpage). By end of March 2008, that percentage had dropped to 18-20%.
This world map on happiness was distributed through a Globe and Mail article by Sheryl Ubelacker (28/07/06). It is an interesting perspective, but primarily focused on the social side of well being. It provides a strong visualization but lacks the substance to become a strategic or policy significant map. This map was prepared by Adrian White, University of Leicester
Posted by
Randy Krum
7:57 AM
1 thoughts
Labels: corporations, history, map, money, scale, time, video
Posted by
Randy Krum
8:13 PM
Labels: brand, charts, corporations, Digg, environment, food, grocery, health
Posted by
Randy Krum
7:01 AM
Labels: dimensions, education, size, visual, Wikipedia